Login to Web Admin, Navigate to Food & Drinks, Bundles. Hit Add Bundle.

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Enter the Name for the Bundle, Leave Target price blank. 

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Now it will show the bundle. Hit the edit button beside to add the items required. 



You will need to create a group for each item, for example if the deal was a pizza and a soda you would need a group for the Pizzas and a group for the Sodas. Enter the name you want for the group and then hit the Add Group button.

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Here is what it looks like when doing two groups


Now we need to add the items to the group. In this example we are doing a Large Two Topping pizza and a 2 Liter of Soda for $20.99.







In the Pizza Section we will hit Add Items, which will list all available items in the system.

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Where it’s a two topping pizza we will add the Create Your Own Pizza item. When you click on this item it moves from Inactive to Active, now we can hit Add.

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This will now show all the options that were attached to the Create Your Own Pizza. Where this discount is only for a Large we need to mark the other sizes Inactive.


To mark them inactive we click on the size, then we select the Not Available option. After that we hit the black Checkmark box.


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Once this is completed we can then set the price on the Large Pizza. To set the right price we would need to consider the cost of the Soda as well, we could set it to the total Deal price of $20.99 and have the Soda set to $0 or any combination. 

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Now where it’s a two topping Pizza we need to set the free choices option to 2, this way they can select 2 toppings charge free. Anything over that will be charged.

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After the amount of free choices is set, we need to select what options this applies to (Meat, Veggies Etc.). To do this you click on the No Options Selected, then choose which options will apply (Hold down ctrl for multiple selections)

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You can see above Meats and Veggies will have 2 free options to be selected. 


Now we can repeat these steps for the Soda Group. We choose the Soda Option, hit Add, Mark the Can as Not Available (Deal is for a 2L), Set the price of the 2L.

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We can now hit Save and this will create the Bundle, after its saved it needs to be added to the menu. Once there it can be rung in to be used.