Table of Contents

Viewing Sales Report

Access Sales Reporting in your Local Stores Web Admin. 

Go to Web Admin > Reports and Stats > Sales

Choose in the quick access bar (top centre) Sales / Order Totals / Loyalty / All Orders or All Lineitems.

Let's take a closer look at Sales.

Access Advanced Options to select the report Interval (Week, Month, Year), Filter Sales by Register or Service Type or download the report to csv.

Let's change the Interval from month to week view and then browse quickly to a week in the past.

Customising Dates of sales report

Drill In to see sales details per order by payment type.

Click the daily total of a specific Tender Type, e.g. credit to drill in to the Order View. 

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Top Selling Items / Options report

Basic Idea: Find your best selling Items / Options Items. How many Vegetarian Pizzas have you sold and how many of each size?

Run the report from Web Admin on HQ or local store level.

Top Selling Items:

See in detail how many Units of specific Items have been sold, how much this is in percent of all sold Items, how high the generated Sales is and how much this is in percent in relation to the whole Sales of the specified period.

1. Set a date range

2. Pull brand wide numbers or select a specific store (available only on HQ level)

Tap an Item to drill in and find out detailed stats about the Items Options, e.g. Pizza Size, Crust etc.

Top Options Items:

See on one glance the Top Options and their choices.

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1. Accessing Order Timers in Web Admin

2. Order Details Overview

    Order Details: Scorecard Timer Graphs

    Order Details: Scorecard Timer Data

    Event Timeline: Order Status History

    Line Item Aggregate: Summing it up by day

    Line Item Aggregates: Summing hourly for a better view

3. Accessing Order Scorecard Timers on POS

Accessing Order Timers in Web Admin

1. Drill into the order for detailed stats, or 

2. view aggregates in store or chainwide

Go to store level > Reports and Stats > Sales

Click on an order category total, e.g. "cash" total 

Franchisees can click through to the individual orders, by going to sales, clicking on a tender type for the day (i.e. credit, cash), then click into an order.

For aggregate values go here (HQ or stores): Reports and Stats > Timer Scorecards (Beta).

Click on an and order number  (159)

Order Details

Every order has a tremendous amount of detail stored and available to view. Order Details is a rich source of information.

Order Details: Scorecard Timer Graphs

The Scorecard timer shows the clock time and the Time the order spent in each of the prep stages.

Order Details: Scorecard Timer Data

These charts show the time spent in each status.

Event Timeline: Order Status History

This list contains every tap, and edit relating to the order, displayed by clock time, time in status, and status.

Line Item Aggregate: Summing it up by day

Select time period to view.  Single days can be viewed by hour or 15 mins.

Finish Line constant day-to-day

Default view has all categories. Simply click on the legend dots to eliminate elements.

This chart with QB and Finish Line shows consistent day-by-day performance

Line Item Aggregates: Summing hourly for a better view

Hour-by-hour variations in service quality become more clear

Select time period and interval to view.  Single days can be viewed by hour or 15 min intervals. 

This hourly graph shows that QB station “can” be under 1:30 while Finish Line varies between 3 and 6 mins.

          1:40                   Prep Station 1

+ 3:00 to 6:00     Make line

 = 4:40 to 7:30     Make time

What should be the team goals for Finish Line times?

How many peak hour sandwiches can be made if make time is 3 mins shorter?

Accessing Order Scorecard Timers on POS

Drill easily into the order for detailed stats, now also in the POS Order History.

Go to POS Menu > Order History 

Tap order to open > tap Scorecard Timer

View order details for #0162

Allows you to look at an individual order and see the prep/wait time and details of the order.  Helps with Speed quality and also resolving complaints from a customer. 

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Drawer Close Report

Load the local stores Web Admin page > Reports and Stats > Drawer

Find here an overview of your stores Z Reports, grouped per week.

Tip: Advanced Options > download an overview of the weeks Z Reports in csv format


Drawer Close Report > Details
Show a Z Report with all Details.


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Labor/Sales report - Wages & Tips report

Load the local stores Web Admin page > Reports and Stats > Wages & Tips
Check your stores productivity in Sales Revenue and Labor Expense.

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Load the local stores Web Admin page > Reports and Stats > Discounts

Useful for getting an overview of Discounts applied at specific periods i.e. “07/02/2017 - 07/08/2017”.

Find details about: 

  • Order Discounts, total number of Completed Orders vs. Orders With Discounts
  • Item Discounts, total number of Items Sold vs. Items with Discounts
  • Discounts  vs. Sales, total Net value of all completed orders in the selected period vs. the Discounted Value
  • Number of discounts applied to items and orders

Find here an overview of all Discounts applied in the specified period, how often they’ve been applied and the resulting total Value per discount type.

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