Logging into Back Office/ WebAdmin

To make it as secure & easy as possible, we provide a 2-factor Login that works just like you login to your bank account.  Enter your mobile number and we send you a PIN to login.

Simply use a google Chrome browser to go to the Web Admin Login

Step 1: Enter your mobile number and press "Continue"

Step 2:  Enter 5 digit Token you received by SMS

Step 3: You are now at the account selector page.  

From here you can choose from a single location, or - if you have access rights - edit HQ level details.

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Setting Up Credit Card Payment Processor: PayPal or TouchpointPayments

1. PayPal Here _ Configuration

Setting up PayPal is Easy! First, visit Paypal.com and sign up for PayPal Here. Once you have your account credentials, configure PayPal here Payments in Touchpoint.

Important: Payments need to be configured for each individual store separately!

In the Web Admin (store level): https://c1.tchpt.com/admin/
Navigate to Backoffice > 3rd Party Integration > PayPal Here

Enable PayPal Here processing. 

1. Toggle PayPal Here processing "Live".  

2. Click 'Login with PayPal'

3. Enter your registered email and password

PayPal finds your account. 

4. Click green confirm button

Your account is now configured and ready to accept live Paypal payments but not yet Live!

Before you start processing CreditCard payments at your store, just Set Payments Live.

2. PayPal Here _ Set Payments live

Go to Operations > Profile > Payment Settings > and check "Payments live"

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Adding Employees

The Basic idea: After setting up job titles, you can now add your employee details including pay rate and mobile number for easy PIN recovery.

1) Go to Operations > Employees > Add Employees.

2) Choose one or many Job Titles. This is also used to calculate pay for hours.

3) Define Permissions:  

  • KDS Only: Can operate only in Pick Up or Prep Station
  • Allow POS Use: Can operate in all roles on POS tablet, e.g. Cashier and work with registers.
  • POS Manager: Full POS Permissions, e.g. gives access to Manager functions on POS such as clocking out other employees or adjusting time clocks.
  • Web Admin and POS Manager: Can Access Manager functions on POS and this Web Admin

Edit employee Settings 

Operations > Employees > Employees >  click on current employee

More Options  

Pin code for login Can access manager functions on POS tablet. Note, PIN codes are automatically assigned.

New Password Not recommended! Not for PIN login but only to log in with a user name and password. Employee will be informed about password changes via SMS.

Don’t forget to save your changes!

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Configuring Sales Taxes

You are responsible for setting up and maintaining the appropriate sales taxes for your locations?  Watch the video and learn how to configure taxes.


If the tax applies to all stores, configure it in WebAdmin on HQ level once and sync it to all stores. 

But, if it's a tax that applies to just one or some stores, e.g. California litter tax that just applies to your stores in California, configure it in WebAdmin on store level individually only for those stores that are affected by the tax.

Configuring Order & Item Taxes, 00:47 min

Configuring Order & Item Tax

Web Admin (HQ or local store level) > Operations > Profile > Order Taxes

1. Add a new tax by clicking "Add New Tax"

2. Setting up an order tax

Name & DescriptionGive the Tax a name. 

RateWhat is the tax amount in precent?  Note that 8.5 = 8.5%

Value addedAlso called "Tax Inclusive". 

Check this box if you want the customer prices to include this tax rate and not be added separately to the bill

Service TypesDefines wether a tax is included to a certain service type. E.g. Dine-In requires a specific tax

Item Types: Define if a tax is only added to a certain item type. E.g Liquor tax

Forced itemsChoose any item from your menu that requires a specific tax

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Job Titles

The Basic Idea is to first create a Job Title (with pay rate) for employees, then add employees with their pay rate and mobile telephone number.

Go to Operations > Job Titles > Add Job Title

Add the Jobs name, e.g Barista and set the default wage in cents per hour. 

Tip: pay rate is in cents.  So $9.75/hr is 975 cents

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Adding/Editing Registers

The Basic Idea: Registers are pre-defined but you can add and edit them here. Use edit register to change the name of registers and select receipt auto-print preferences and the colors shown on the KDS.

Manage your registers from local stores Web Admin > Equipment > Registers

Your stand is preconfigured with registers. If a register needs to be replaced or an additional register is needed e.g. a Linebuster, learn here how to add and  configure it.

Add Register
Enter a name and click Add Register. Find the new register at the bottom of the Registers list below.

Edit Register

Check Drive Thru to hide on POS the buttons to select walk in / to go / delivery.

Select a Swiper Type for your register.

Receipt Printer
Select a printer, set up in Equipment > Printers.

Auto Print
A receipt when a payment is collected, a drawer Report on end drawer, or when a hot swapped drawer's count is finalized.

KDS Colors
Help Baristas recognize at a glance which register sent the order.

Don't forget to Save your changes. 


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Configuring Discounts

The Basic Idea: HQ will have pre-configured discounts to use. Follow these steps If you would like to add additional discounts of your own. 


Configure global discounts on HQ Web Admin level. 

Configure discounts applying only to individual stores, for each store separately in their Web Admin.

Note: you can add discounts to items or orders. This example explains how to add a new Item Discount and how to re-arrange the order on the POS Discount view.

1. Go to Promotions > Item Discounts (or Order Discounts) and click  +Add Discount

2. Enter Discount Name and choose discount Type

There are three discount types to choose from: 

- Amount 

- Percent 

- Target Price

Creating Target Discount

Set a fixed price for any item by defining a target price.  Note that 200 = $2.00 , which means, each item is now priced at $2.00 

Creating Amount Discount

This means an item price gets reduced by the amount you enter here. Note that 100 = $1.00

Creating Percentage Discount

Defining a percentage allows you to reduce the item price by the percentage you configure. Note that 500 = 50 %

3. Change listing of discounts

By Drag and Drop, you can re-arrange the listing of your discounts by click and hold on the arrows on the left side.

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Configuring Email Reports

The Basic Idea: Receive sales summary reports to your email for any day-parts you choose. Set up multiple reports for a day.

Load the local stores Web Admin page > Reports and Stats > Email Reports

Add here email address and define schedules by giving them a name and setting a start & end time.

Add Email Addresses

Add and save as many email addresses as you want, that should receive automatically sent Email reports.

Add Schedule

Create Schedules for your shifts or periods of interest. Give the schedule a Name, define Start and End 

Time and tab ‘Add Schedule’.  

When a schedules end time is reached, a report is sent to the defined addresses.

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