Here is what you will learn in this course:

  • Overview
    • layout and order details you get from kds
    • Order footer and wrapping
    • Item segment look
    • start knocking some orders off: checking off items or whole orders
    • KDS tour (Video)
    • Send order back to previous station
  • KDS Setup

KDS Quickstart

The KDS displays all orders from the POS and online store as they are being entered. Start knocking some of them out!

The moment a cashier moves an order to the tender screen or an order is added by the customer on the online store, it appears on your KDS in real-time!

Each Order contains a header with order and customer information, groups the line items together and has a footer hosting order notes and the status button.

Kitchen staff prepares the Items and marks them done on KDS.

Cashiers hand out the order or drivers deliver it to customers and mark it Picked up.


Let’s take a closer look at the details!

1. Order Header

2. Order Footer

3. Order breakdown, including item details and prep notes

4. Order wraps to next column

5. Still Ordering. Unpaid

6. Order is late. Finish Now!

7. Outstanding delivery Order. Start making within XY min.

8. Deferred Order. Wait to make XY min or start making early

9. Social tipping emoji

Order wrapping

Long orders wrap to the next column, leading to a more efficient use of the available space on the KDS.

Note the torn paper look!

Item Segment Look

Helps improving order accuracy and speed.

1. Main choice highlight-colour based on item-colour

2. Item Prep Note

3. Half/Half Pizza

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Start knocking out some Orders

Tip: When you have made an item, tap it to mark it as made.

1. Individual line items can be marked done and advanced simply by tapping them.
2. Whole orders can be marked done and sent to the next station by tapping the status, e.g. Slap, to send the order to the next station.


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Let's take a tour through the KDS

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Send order back to previous station

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KDS Setup

KDS "Included Order States" is set up on each of the different iPads.

1. Make sure touchpoint is operating as a KDS, so the touchpoint Role "Pickup" is selected. 

Need a refresher on how to "Set up your iPads - Device Roles & Registers"?

2. Open the KDS Menu by tapping the little green rectangle in the top-middle of the KDS screen thus revealing the Menu icon in the top left corner.

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Color & Size

Change the Font Size to Large or Extra-Large. All text and Order Cards are bigger. 

KDS Settings > Color & Size > choose Large

Try it out. You will see the difference.

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Station Setup - Group By State (optional)

Let's set up a KDS supporting multiple Kitchen Stations.

Open Setup by tapping the hamburger icon (top left corner) > Station Data > Edit (top right)

Set up your KDS station by defining which Order State is displayed on a specific KDS and which Prep Stations excluded. 

  1. Menu > Station Data

  2. Group by State:
    Toggle to define KDS view based on Order State

  3. Select Order States for your KDS view, in this example “Ordered”

  4. Toggle to show delayed orders early

  5. You want to exclude Items from the Cooler or Extras from most of your KDS stations.

The screenshot above is showing a possible setup for a first station, showing all orders with the state "New Order" and "Making Now" and excluding all items from the prep station Cooler (e.g. ice cream, drinks etc.) and Extras (e.g. plates).

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