In order to prevent orders on a specific date you can follow these instructions.

First thing you want to do is login to the location you wish to prevent the orders at.

Login to Web Admin - Select Location - Operations - Hours - Holidays/Special Events 

Note: If Hours is missing from the menu, please reach out to Support

Hit the calendar icon beside "Add a special hours day" and choose the date you wish to have no orders on.

Enter a message for the day (Anything you wish to have inform the customer why its not available), and then hit the Add Button. This creates the day with no shifts and will not allow any orders.

We can see that the 31st is now greyed out when trying to order.

One note: If you are just trying to prevent deferred orders you would still follow these instructions, however on the day this is for you would go back in and select remove day for this setup. Once that is done the day will become available for orders.